Monday, October 09, 2006

not sure what day it is or whaaat?

okay so really i'm not sure what day it is, mmm thinking it's monday but just feeling so confused.

what did i tell you last? i think i was in kristina's village. well i think i was. anyway we caught a bus north, but we had to get out of her village, so we had to walk to the road and catch a public truck, the truck was large and packed with people, but because i am a forginer they gave me a seat. from the truck we jumped on a bus leaving at 10am, not bad, 2nd class AC thai bus, that means three people squish onto a 2 person seat. so i was squashed between kristina and some thai dude, and people just keep getting on and getting on. we made it to nong khai by 5pm, you do the math.
then from nong khai we catch a bus up to mike and AJ's village. this is a third class bus, so take what i said above and multiply the people by 10 and take away the ac. to add to that we had two monks get they are thai equivalent of our old ladies, and women can't touch them. so it turned into a tuna squish fish circus act. we were in that bus for 1.5 hours, THEN we caught a 45min tuk-tuk up to the banks f the beautiful mekong. wow.
once we arrived there were four pretty drunk peace corps we began to drink and drink and drink. we walked over to the bank of the mekong, drunk, with a full moon above our heads, and 2 of the boys jumped in. one was immediatly sucked down the river by an EXTREMELY strong currant, but no worries he was a big ass dude and made it back to the shore.
i was thinking about how nice it would be to swim in the mekong during a full moon, but as "big rob" was getting swept away i thought about the intestinal worms that are commen in water around these parts and kinda backed out.
after that we pretty much passed out. the next day brought PC girls that were crazy and started us drinking at 10am to gear up for the festival that night. i really can't remeber the last time i drank ALL day long, but wow these volunteers sure can party. so that was my day drinking. later at about 6pm we all went down to the river to wait for the fire balls blown by the dragon. now this is a natural occurance that happens every year at the full moon, no one really knows why it happens but it's been going on for years now.
the sun is setting and the mekong is smooth, there is a long boat filled with piles of half coconut shells that have been converted into candels. there is another boat we can see stationed further up the river from us. as it really begins to get dark monks are rowed out to the boat and they begin to light the candels and lt them go in the river. they do this becuse the fire balls need friends and encouragment to come up to the surface. this goes on for a little more than 2 hours. i am content to watch the beauty of it.
so no fire balls for our village. there were some seen about 30kms down the river but none for us. after a long day of drinking all i want to do is pass out, but as soon as i'm in bed i am wide awake.

i didn't sleep well. i got up the next day and we had to get back into town. with random luck there was a bangkok taxi in the village and he took us to the main road. from there we hitched a ride in the back of a truck and went to a small bus depo, from bus depo to nong khai where i had to wait three hours for a bus. the a 14hour overnight ride to rayoung, from rayoung a 4 hour ride to trat, (i'm on my own from nong khai on) from trat a truck ride to the peir, from truck to ferry, to another truck, to a road that went and went and went. and here i am...i am really tired but wanted to catch up.

after it taking so fucking long to get to this beautiful little island i think i will stay. once the exhaustion wears off i will be fine.

i am staying in a hut with no electricity, but the water at my front door, for about $3 a night. this is true hippy burn out land. i will write more later but it is time for me to go and relax.

oh next time i'll tell you about the monk on the was amazing!

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